Thursday, April 19, 2012

Love Notes

I can truly say that this last week has been one of the busiest and most stressful of my life, but it has also been one in which I’ve realized the love of a Father in a more real and deeper sense. One where I’ve once again stood in complete awe at the lengths He will go to show His love to a little girl. 

It wasn’t even the big things...just a little love note here and the exact moment I needed it. 

He stopped at nothing to reveal in the most real way that He was right beside me...cheering me on. He ordered the elements and they had to obey...He spoke through the words of a friend...a warm embrace...a song sent in His perfect timing. 

He never does anything on accident, friends. He will go to amazing measures to order circumstances just to show you one thing...His love.

1 comment:

  1. Yes :) Thanks for writing this. I praise GOD for His momentous sweet love notes !
