What are you living for? What makes you get up in the morning? What gets you the most excited? Of what do you love to converse? Where do you find your thoughts drifting during the day? Who/what holds your deepest affections?
Be honest.
Most of us, myself included, would come up with answers that were to the general eye moral and upright. We might even pride ourselves with the fact that some of the answers are high and lofty…ministry, family, service, etc.
But as I have come to a deeper understanding of a Love that is unconditional and unfathomable, a Love that simply asks for everything I have and gives everything He has in return; my pride in my “great” answers has crumbled into a thousand pieces, and a deep seating longing has remained. A longing for my Savior to be the answer to every question.
For if Christ and Him crucified isn’t the answer to every question…I have a problem.
If I am living for anything but Him, life isn’t truly fulfilling. If I don’t wake up and long for His face, I’m missing the greatest gift. If I get the most excited about anything other than Him, I don’t truly know the depths to which joy can plunge. If He doesn’t hold my deepest affections, I don’t understand LOVE in it’s beauty and loveliness.
But if CHRIST is the answer…then I have joy unspeakable, love unfathomable, and peace that passes understanding.
This is what drives the deep seated longing in my heart that simply grows greater with each passing day. For the more I taste of His loveliness, the more glimpses I catch of His face, and the more I come to hear His beautiful voice, the more I want to know Him. He has become my overwhelming desire. He has ravished my heart and though I don’t understand why He would want a poor little wretch like me, I love Him that much more.
I don’t want to leave the impression that I’m perfect and I always love Him more than others, or that honestly the answer to all questions would be CHRST. Sometimes I’m scared to talk of Him, and afraid of what might be if I follow Him all th e way. Sometimes I allow things or people to take the highest seat of my affections. But the more I taste of LOVE the fear and shame begin to melt away. And I can truly say that:
I would far rather die young and live for Christ than to die old and live without Him.
Because simply...my heavenly Prince has captured my heart. He makes life worth living.
If LOVE hasn’t captured your heart, take away the distractions, lay your heart bare before your Maker and plead with Him to reveal Himself to you.
He will make Himself known to you.
For He cannot lie.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. John 14:21
I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Proverbs 8:17